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Reminds me of the recent coffee we had from Mexico, with Black forest gateaux flavours coming through.  Works great in Aeropress and makes a great flat white.


Origin: El Salvador

Region: Apaneca-Ilamatepec Mountain

Estate: Finca La Providencia

Estate Size: 70 hectares

Altitude: 1100-1300 masl
Varietal: Caturra
Processing: Anaerobic Natural

Harvest: Oct-Mar

Owner: Fernando Alfaro and Jose Enrique Gutierrez

Tasting Notes: Winey, Dark Chocolate & Morello Cherry


This Yellow Caturra Anaerobic Natural from Finca La Providencia is the natural product of knowledge amassed over time. This knowledge – and the drive to innovate –  has been passed down to owners Fernando Alfaro and Jose Enrique Gutierrez, who both come from long lines of coffee producers.

Fernando Alfaro and Jose Enrique Gutierrez both come from long lines of coffee producers. Together, they run Finca La Providencia under the name of INVERFINCA, SA de C.V. Finca La Providencia, focused on specialty production, sits a 1,100 to 1,300 meters above sea level in Cantón La Pandeadura in the Ahuacapán department, in the Apaneca-Ilamatepec mountain range.

This lot comes from a plot called Guarumal. Guarumal is named after the Guarumo tree that abounds in this plot.


In this plot, the Guarumo tree attracts bees and facilitates pollination. It also provides shade for coffee trees.

Fernando and Jose use biopesticides, a natural pesticide alternative, to control pests and diseases.

Harvest & Post-Harvest

Cherry is handpicked at peak ripeness and delivered to the on-farm wet mill. At intake, workers visually hand sort cherry to remove any damaged, underripe or overripe cherry.  Cherry is placed in airtight bags and sealed to ferment for 68 to 72 hours. Bags are kept under shade to control fermentation.

Following fermentation, cherry is transported to the El Carmen mill in Ataco to sundry on raised beds. Workers at the mill turn cherry frequently to ensure even drying. It takes approximately 30 to 32 days for cherry to dry.

El Salvador La Providencia Guarumal

PriceFrom £6.00
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