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A very comforting brew, with classic great flavours.  Exclusively farmed by Women and certified Organic, its one to try.

Origin: Honduras

Region: Lempira, Ocotepeque, Intibuca, Copan, La Paz, El Paraiso, Comayagua

Estate: Various women owned farms in the regions

Altitude: 1100-1650 masl

Varieties: IH90, Catuai, Caturra, Lempira, Bourbon

Certification: Organic

Processing: Fully Washed

Harvest Period: Jan-Apr

Cupping Notes: Caramel, almond, toffee, apple, apricot; smooth body, juicy acidity.


In Greek mythology, Gea (pronounced hay-uh) is revered as the goddess of the Earth and the matron of all creation. The NKG exporter Becamo has crafted a regional blend from the coffees of over 400 women producers, naming it to reflect the resilient spirit of women.

According to our colleagues at Becamo, these women seize the many opportunities offered by coffee, inspired by varied circumstances—whether due to the loss of a partner, migration, or a deep passion for coffee. They rise before dawn to manage household responsibilities and care for children and elders before heading out to the fields. Additionally, these women empower one another by sharing resources, assisting during harvests, providing guidance, and meticulously attending to the details of drying and milling their coffee.

As noted by Becamo, “Women have demonstrated their ability to transform a challenging plot of land into a thriving coffee farm, often by intercropping with timber and fruit trees to enhance shade, retain soil moisture, and create microclimates that contribute to the complexity and quality of the final product.” This coffee serves to honor and recognize their dedication.

Honduras Gea Organic is a washed coffee sourced from women producers in the regions of Lempira, Ocotepeque, Intibuca, Copan, La Paz, El Paraíso, and Comayagua. Their farms are situated at altitudes ranging from 1,100 to 1,650 meters and utilize various drying methods, including patios, solar dryers, and raised beds.

Honduras GEA Bloom

PriceFrom £6.00
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